Remembrance Day

Freemasons from around the Province of Herefordshire remembered those that had paid the ultimate sacrifice by joining in acts of Remembrance in the city of Hereford and local towns throughout Herefordshire. 

As well at laying wreaths, Delphis Lodge met on Saturday November 11th and so recited the poem “For the Fallen” by Laurence Binyon which was published in the Times on 21st September 1914.  A bugler sounded the Last Post. 

The origins of the last post, which is now associated with remembrance, go back to the signal that the final sentry post had been inspected in a military camp inspection and the area was secure for the night.  It was also sounded at the end of battle so the injured on the battlefield knew it was safe to move and retreat back to their troops to get help. Six members of Herefordshire Freemasons lost their lives in the First World War and they are remembered in a tribute memorial at the Masonic Hall at Hereford.

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